Topics Covered in the Talk
The meaning of yoga according to the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali and Samkhya philosophy. We will unpack this extraordinary text by first exploring the nature of consciousness and the manifestation of our perceived reality according to Sāṅkhya Philosophy
Vyāsa-bhāṣya (early commentaries on the Yoga Sutra) and how the practices were described in more detail
How the mind functions according to this teaching by exploring the 3 Gunas (aspects of manifest reality or prakṛti) and puruṣa (pure, untouched, enlightened consciousness)
How the practice of the eight limbs of yoga has a direct effect on the gunas. We will explore how one can still mind or Chitta to invite deeper stages of samadhi or concentration
The potential of the mind or siddhi in samyama, a combination of dhāraṇā (concentration), dhyāna (meditation) and samādhi (union)
What final liberation or kaivalya means in Yoga
Following the talk and discussion, we will work our way through the eight limbs of yoga as described in the sutras.
We will start by reflecting on the Yama (behaviour that promotes a harmonious mind and life) and Niyama (personal attitudes conducive to subtle states of mind) in a personalised manner
We will work through a series of Asana or yoga postures to relax the muscles and soothe the nervous system followed by pranayama to awaken more subtle awareness as described in the Vyasabhasya (early commentary on the yoga sutras)
We will work through a series of practices designed to induce sensory withdrawal followed by meditation practices for concentration
We will then explore a series of guided meditations with an object progressing through to objectless meditation. These meditation practices will start with object pointed meditations moving through more subtle objects of awareness until we arrive at an objectless open meditation
There will be elements of devotional practices and mantra woven into the practice