Each topic is explored through the lens of scripture in its historical context. We will also examine each topic from the position of a practitioner using phenomenological research to bring lived experiences to light. The subject matters presented below have been explored in an academic setting at SOAS University for the completion of a Master's degree.
These courses are designed to give the learner a well-rounded, evidence-based viewpoint of a lived path to awakening as well as an understanding of the subtle layers of our being from an Eastern context. Within the courses, there is no bias towards any one tradition but an exploration of different paths which lead towards some of the most extraordinary human experiences and insight into our human potential.
These courses can be conducted online or in person and they can be tailored to suit yoga teacher training courses focusing on practice. These courses are also available as an exploration of the philosophical components of traditions of transcendence. All scriptural and scholar references will be available for each course.
Please contact me to discuss how you would like to tailor the courses to suit your needs.

Kuṇḍalinī 1: The Lived Experience Throughout Different Cultures
How the Kuṇḍalinī experience is expressed in different cultures through local rituals and customs.
Accounts of the modern-day lived experience of individuals who have been through the Kuṇḍalinī experience.
Transcendence or Psychosis. How the experience can affect the psyche of the individual.
The role of Kuṇḍalinī different paths of awakening
Possible causes of spontaneous Kuṇḍalinī awakenings.
The neurobiological mechanism of Kuṇḍalinī

Kuṇḍalinī 2: The Psychology and Metaphysics of Kuṇḍalinī Awakenings
The theory of manifestation of the self and the universe through the lense of Samkhya and Tantric philosophy
The nature of matter and energy according to Samkhya philosophy
The meaning of prana, shakti and Kuṇḍalinī as synonymous terms according to Tantra
Eastern Psychology and Pneumatology
How Kuṇḍalinī awakenings affect the psychology

Kuṇḍalinī 3: Navigating Kuṇḍalinī Energy
How tantric rituals, bija (sacred symbols) and mantra (sacred sounds) work with Kuṇḍalinī energy according to the Tantric framework.
The Subtle body and Kuṇḍalinī according to Yogic, Buddhist and Tantric Text.
How the alternate states of consciousness that arise with Kuṇḍalinī experiences are situated on the Buddhist and Tantric paths to awakening
Some of the more challenging experiences with Kuṇḍalinī awakenings and how they are negated with foundationl practices in early Buddhist practice

Mantra 1: Its uses and developments from the Vedas to Tantra
The origins and uses of Ohm.
How and why sound is used in Tantric ritual.
How mantra evolved from the Vedic Period to Tantric practice
A look at scholarly research and scriptures which analyse the varying uses of mantra in Yoga and Tantra in contemplative practice and ritual.
Mantra in Vedic Traditions
Mantra in the Upanishads
Mantra in Tantra
Mantra in Yoga

Mantra 2: Its uses and developments from the Vedas to
How mantra affects the psychology of the individual through the lens of Samkhya philosophy.
How tantric rituals, bija (sacred symbols) and mantra (sacred sounds) work with Kuṇḍalinī energy and the subtle body according to the Tantric framework.
Practices in Japanese Shingon and Vajrayana Buddhist meditation using the symbol 'A'.

Samadhi: An Exploration of Different Types of Meditative Absorption
An exploration of what samadhi (meditative absorption) means in different traditions of yoga and meditation.
The phenomenological experience of samadhi and its purpose in different traditions.
How samadhi affects the psychology in Vedantic, Tantric and Buddhist practices.
Different methods of attainment in different traditions.
The neural correlates of Samadhi in the Buddhist context.
The development of siddhi or psychic powers as a result of the cultivation of Samadhi.

The Subtle Body
The evolution of the subtle body (yogic body) in major Sanskrit texts.
How tantric rituals, bija (sacred symbols) and mantra (sacred sounds) work with Kuṇḍalinī energy and the subtle body according to the Tantric framework.
Subtle body maps compared to medical maps of the human body.
The subtle body mechanisms of nadi (channels of energy flow around the body) and chakra (focal points of energy) according to tantric texts.

The Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali
The meaning of yoga according to the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali and Samkhya philosophy
The nature of consciousness and the manifestation of our perceived reality according to Sāṅkhya Philosophy
Vyāsa-bhāṣya (early commentaries on the Yoga Sutra) and how the practices were described in more detail
How the mind functions according to this teaching by exploring the 3 Gunas (aspects of manifest reality) and puruṣa (pure, untouched, enlightened consciousness)
How the practice of the eight limbs of yoga has a direct effect on the subtle layers of our being. We will explore how one can still mind or Chitta to invite deeper stages of samadhi or concentration
The development of psychic powers or siddhi in samyama, a combination of dhāraṇā (concentration), dhyāna (meditation) and samādhi (union)
What final liberation means in this system of Yoga

Meditation Techniques of the Buddha
The metaphysics of our reality and the relationship between mind and matter based on Buddhist Abhidharma manuscripts
The Buddhas’ states of absorption or jhanas that lead to insight into the workings of this mind matrix based on the Nikayas (Buddhist Pali Canon)
The different stages of enlightenment of the Buddha how these states are experienced in the mind-body
The direct experiences of long term meditators and Buddhist monks
The meaning of freedom from suffering and how to attain it in the early Buddhist context